- #!/bin/bash
- # 这个脚本主要是检测squid的每分钟http的请求熟、cpu的使用率、可用的文件描述符、5min的请求命中率、5min的内存请求命中率和5min的硬盘请求命中率。
- # 并且可以通过pnp4nagios画图。
- PROGNAME=`basename $0`
- VERSION="Version 1.1"
- AUTHOR="zhhmj (tgariltg@gmail.com)"
- ST_OK=0
- ST_WR=1
- ST_CR=2
- ST_UK=3
- hostname="localhost"
- port=8001
- running=0
- warn_descriptors=100
- crit_descriptors=30
- warn_hits=70
- crit_hits=50
- print_version() {
- }
- print_help() {
- echo ""
- print_version
- echo ""
- echo "Description:"
- echo "Gets percentage of hits for a squid reverse proxy"
- echo "Options:"
- echo " -h|--help"
- echo " Print help info."
- echo " -H|--hostname)"
- echo " Sets the hostname, default is localhost"
- echo " -P|--port)"
- echo " Sets the port, default is 8001"
- echo " -wd)"
- echo " Sets the number of available file descriptors to warn at, default 100"
- echo " -cd)"
- echo " Sets the number of available file descriptors to go critical at, default 30"
- echo " -wh)"
- echo " Sets the percentage of hits to warn at, default 70"
- echo " -ch)"
- echo " Sets the percentage of hits to go critical at, default 50"
- echo ""
- echo "Example:"
- echo " ./check_squid -H -P 8001 -wd 100 -cd 30 -wh 70 -ch 50"
- echo " WARNING - Squid is serving an average of 7.2 per minute since start with 655349 file descriptors left and 0.04 percent of CPU use and Hits as 64% of all requests"
- exit $ST_UK
- }
- #获取squid的信息
- get_status_text() {
- status_text=$(squidclient -h ${hostname} -p ${port} mgr:info 2>&1)
- }
- #确保服务器回复正常
- is_replying() {
- case "$status_text" in
- *Denied.*)
- echo "Error gettings metrics.(Access control on squid?)"
- exit $ST_CR
- ;;
- *ERROR*)
- echo "Error connecting to host"
- exit $ST_CR
- ;;
- esac
- }
- #下面是获取有用的信息:
- #Available file descriptors
- #CPU Usage
- #Average HTTP requests per minute
- #Hits as % of all requests by 5min
- #Memory hits as % of hit requests by 5min
- #Disk hits as % of hit requests by 5min
- get_statistics() {
- available_descriptors=$(echo "${status_text}" | grep "Available number of file descriptors" | cut -d: -f 2 | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//')
- cpu_usage=$(echo "${status_text}" | grep "CPU Usage:" | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d% -f 1 | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//')
- avg_http_requests=$(echo "${status_text}" | grep "Average HTTP requests per minute since start" | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d% -f 1 | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//')
- all_requests_hits=$(echo "${status_text}" | grep "Hits as % of all requests" | awk '{print $8}' | awk -F\. '{print $1}')
- memory_hits=$(echo "${status_text}" | grep "Memory hits as % of hit requests" | awk '{print $9}' | awk -F\. '{print $1}')
- disk_hits=$(echo "${status_text}" | grep "Disk hits as % of hit requests" | awk '{print $9}' | awk -F\. '{print $1}')
- #buid perfdata string
- perfdata="'avail_descriptors'=$available_descriptors 'cpu_usage'=$cpu_usage 'avg_http_requests'=$avg_http_requests 'all_requests_hits'=$all_requests_hits% 'memory_hits'=$memory_hits% 'disk_hits'=$disk_hits%"
- }
- #报警对比的判断
- build_output() {
- out="Squid is serving an average of $avg_http_requests per minute since start with $available_descriptors file descriptors left and $cpu_usage percent of CPU use and Hits as $all_requests_hits% of all requests"
- if [ $available_descriptors -le $crit_descriptors ] || [ $all_requests_hits -le $crit_hits ]
- then
- echo "CRITICAL - ${out} | ${perfdata}"
- exit $ST_CR
- elif [ $available_descriptors -le $warn_descriptors ] || [ $all_requests_hits -le $warn_hits ]
- then
- echo "WARNING - ${out} | ${perfdata}"
- exit $ST_WR
- else
- echo "OK - ${out} | ${perfdata}"
- exit $ST_OK
- fi
- }
- #主程序
- #获取参数
- while test -n "$1"; do
- case "$1" in
- --help|-h)
- print_help
- exit $ST_UK
- ;;
- --version|-v)
- print_version
- exit $ST_UK
- ;;
- --hostname|-H)
- hostname=$2
- shift
- ;;
- --port|-P)
- port=$2
- shift
- ;;
- -wd)
- warn_descriptors=$2
- shift
- ;;
- -cd)
- crit_descriptors=$2
- shift
- ;;
- -wh)
- warn_hits=$2
- shift
- ;;
- -ch)
- crit_hits=$2
- shift
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Unknown argument: $1"
- print_help
- exit $ST_UK
- ;;
- esac
- shift
- done
- #sanity
- if [ $warn_descriptors -lt $crit_descriptors ] || [ $warn_hits -lt $crit_hits ]
- then
- echo "Warn descriptors must not be lower than critical and crit hits must not be lower than warn hits!"
- print_help
- fi
- get_status_text
- is_replying
- get_statistics
- build_output