Kotlin 泛型的基本语法类似于 Java ,不过出于型变安全,不支持 Java 中的<? extends T>,<?super T> 通配符型变约束,而是采用类似 C# 的 in,out 用于支持协变和逆变,这同时避免了处理子类型化,父类化的问题(即Java泛型中典型的List
// 需要有对比的功能,没有的话就会报错a> maxOf(a:T,b:T):T{ return if (a方法调用
val a=2 val b=3 val maxOf = maxOf(2, 3) println("shiming "+maxOf)输出结果
shiming 3让一个类具备对比的能
data class Complex(val a:Double,val b:Double):Comparable{ override fun compareTo(other: Complex): Int { return (value()-other.value()).toInt() } fun value():Double{ return a*a+b*b } override fun toString(): String { return "$a*$a+$b*$b="+(a*a+b*b) } } 方法调用
val Complex1=Complex(4.0,5.0) val Complex2=Complex(5.0,6.0) println("shiming Complex1="+Complex1) println("shiming Complex2="+Complex2) println("shiming"+Complex1.compareTo(Complex2))输出结果
04-16 11:22:10.824 26429-26429/com.kotlin.demo I/System.out: shiming Complex1=4.0*a+5.0*b=41.0 04-16 11:22:10.824 26429-26429/com.kotlin.demo I/System.out: shiming Complex2=5.0*a+6.0*b=61.0 04-16 11:22:10.824 26429-26429/com.kotlin.demo I/System.out: shiming-20通过Demo的测试的结果的发现:泛型不管你到底是什么,它只管你能够做什么事情
(1..2).map { println("shiming $it=="+it) } /** * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function * to each element in the original collection. (1..2).map调用的底层的方法 */ public inline funIterable .map(transform: (T) -> R): List { return mapTo(ArrayList (collectionSizeOrDefault(10)), transform) } /** A function that takes 22 arguments. function中最多的参数22.一共有23个方法 */ public interface Function22 : Function { /** Invokes the function with the specified arguments. */ public operator fun invoke(p1: P1, p2: P2, p3: P3, p4: P4, p5: P5, p6: P6, p7: P7, p8: P8, p9: P9, p10: P10, p11: P11, p12: P12, p13: P13, p14: P14, p15: P15, p16: P16, p17: P17, p18: P18, p19: P19, p20: P20, p21: P21, p22: P22): R } kotlin中的类传入泛型
data class ComplexNumber< T : Number>(val a:T,val b:T){ override fun toString(): String { return "$a*$a+$b*$b" } }泛型的实现的机制
何为伪泛型(Java 、Kotlin)?编译完了,泛型就没有了(真正的原因就是最开始写Java编译器的几个人偷懒取巧,留下了历史问题,Martin Odersky爆料。Martin Odersky是Typesafe的联合创始人,也是Scala编程语言的发明者。)
//按照重载的定义这两个方法应该编译的过的,但是Java和kotlin编译完了成了object或者是没有 fun needList(list:List){ } fun needList(list:List ){ } 通过反编译可以看到,卧槽我的泛型没有了
public static final void needList(@NotNull List list) { Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(list, "list"); } public static final void needList(@NotNull List list) { Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(list, "list"); }
reified让泛型参数具体化,定义在inline中 ,kotlin实现为伪泛型,需要这个关键字植入到调用出才可以
//inline inline可用内联函数(inline function)消除这些额外内存开销, //说白了就是在调用处插入函数体代码,以此减少新建函数栈和对象的内存开销! inline fungetT(){ println("shiming"+T::class.java) } 调用
getT() getT () //通过反编译得到的结果,说白了,其实就是打印了,这样永远都不会丢失 String var21 = "shiming" + String.class; System.out.println(var21); var21 = "shiming" + Double.class; System.out.println(var21); 得到
04-16 15:28:59.775 31782-31782/com.kotlin.demo I/System.out: shimingclass java.lang.String 04-16 15:28:59.775 31782-31782/com.kotlin.demo I/System.out: shimingclass java.lang.Double在实际工作中可以这样用
data class Person(val name:String,val age:Int){ //重写,得到json字符串 override fun toString(): String { return "{name="+"\""+name+"\","+"age="+age+"}" } } //例子 通过inline把这个前面的代码植入到后面 // reified让泛型参数具体化,定义在inline中 ,kotlin实现为伪泛型,需要这个关键字植入到调用出才可以 inline funGson.fromJson(json:String):T=fromJson(json,T::class.java) //模拟网络请求返回的json数据,得到bean类 val person=Person("shiming",20) println("shiming "+person) val toString = person.toString() val person1= Gson().fromJson (toString) println("shiming person1"+person1) //上面一段代码的反编译的结果,和java是一样的,执行的流程 Person person = new Person("shiming", 20); String toString = "shiming " + person; System.out.println(toString); toString = person.toString(); Gson $receiver$iv = new Gson(); Person person1 = (Person)$receiver$iv.fromJson(toString, Person.class); String var25 = "shiming person1" + person1; System.out.println(var25); 具体的关系
,看见Out就是协变的,只读类型,List中根本没有add的方法,不可添加元素 //out 协变 Number 是Int的父类,协变点函数得返回类型 val numberList:List= listOf (1,58) public interface List : Collection { // Query Operations override val size: Int override fun isEmpty(): Boolean //告诉编译器 我知道,你不要管我知道怎么搞 override fun contains(element: @UnsafeVariance E): Boolean override fun iterator(): Iterator // Bulk Operations override fun containsAll(elements: Collection<@UnsafeVariance E>): Boolean // Positional Access Operations /** * Returns the element at the specified index in the list.、 返回值的类型是E */ public operator fun get(index: Int): E // Search Operations /** * Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in the list, or -1 if the specified * element is not contained in the list. */ public fun indexOf(element: @UnsafeVariance E): Int /** * Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified element in the list, or -1 if the specified * element is not contained in the list. */ public fun lastIndexOf(element: @UnsafeVariance E): Int // List Iterators /** * Returns a list iterator over the elements in this list (in proper sequence). */ public fun listIterator(): ListIterator /** * Returns a list iterator over the elements in this list (in proper sequence), starting at the specified [index]. */ public fun listIterator(index: Int): ListIterator // View /** * Returns a view of the portion of this list between the specified [fromIndex] (inclusive) and [toIndex] (exclusive). * The returned list is backed by this list, so non-structural changes in the returned list are reflected in this list, and vice-versa. * * Structural changes in the base list make the behavior of the view undefined. */ public fun subList(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): List } 逆变:Comparable接口
//in 逆变 ,泛型的继承关系相反 逆变点就是函数参数的类型 Any是Int的父类 val intComparable:Comparable= object :Comparable { override fun compareTo(other: Any): Int { return 0 } } public interface Comparable { public operator fun compareTo(other: T): Int } 不变:MutableList相当于Java中的|ArrayList,可读可写,不可变,泛型没有in 或者是out ,泛型的继承关系也没有具体的关系,前面是后面的子类或者是后面是前面的子类,都是不成立。
public interface MutableList: List , MutableCollection { override fun add(element: E): Boolean override fun remove(element: E): Boolean override fun addAll(elements: Collection ): Boolean public fun addAll(index: Int, elements: Collection ): Boolean override fun removeAll(elements: Collection ): Boolean override fun retainAll(elements: Collection ): Boolean override fun clear(): Unit public operator fun set(index: Int, element: E): E public fun add(index: Int, element: E): Unit public fun removeAt(index: Int): E override fun listIterator(): MutableListIterator override fun listIterator(index: Int): MutableListIterator override fun subList(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): MutableList } 星投影:始终找最安全的解决方法,安全方式是定义泛型类型的这种投影,该泛型类型的每个具体实例化将是该投影的子类型
例如,如果类型被声明为interface Function
Function<*, String>
Function<, *>
//out 协变 Number 是Int的子类,协变点函数得返回类型 val numberList:List<*> = listOf(1,58) val any = numberList[1] //星投影,去找父类 //in 逆变 ,泛型的继承关系相反 逆变点就是函数参数的类型 val intComparable:Comparable<*> = object :Comparable { override fun compareTo(other: Any): Int { return 0 } } //星投影,去找父类 Nothing intComparable.compareTo() fun hello(){ } open class Hello { } //这样 就可以使用星投影 class Hello33 //这样也可以使用星投影 class Hello2:Hello >() class Hello332:Hello >() 在kotlin中调用java的类
//这样也可以使用星投影 val raw:Raw<*> = Raw.getRaw() public class Raw{ @Override public String toString() { return "老子是Raw"; } public static Raw getRaw(){ return new Raw(); } } 不可以使用星投影的地方
//不变的话,就根本没有继承关系,没有任何的关系 原因是这样不安全 // val list1:MutableList= mutableListOf (1,5,4) list1.add(BigDecimal(1244444444)) // val list2:MutableList = mutableListOf (1,5,4) //泛型的实参不要使用星号 // val numberList11d:List<*> = listOf<*>(1,58) // // hello<*>() // // val hello: Any = Hello<*>() fun hello(){ } open class Hello { } 安卓中一个MvpDemo,使用到了星投影和协变!
package com.kotlin.demo.star_demo import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType /** * author: Created by shiming on 2018/4/14 15:08 * mailbox:lamshiming@sina.com */ //Mvp 中的V层 超级接口 interface IView>>{ val presenter:P } //P层的超级接口 interface Ipresenter >>{ // @NotNull // IView getView(); val view:V } abstract class BaseView >>:IView { override val presenter:P init { presenter= findPresenterClass().newInstance() presenter.view=this } /** * 得到相对于的Class的文件 */ private fun findPresenterClass():Class
{ //不知道,使用星投影去接收 相当于 Class thisClass = this.getClass(); var thisClass:Class<*> = this.javaClass // while(true) { // Type var10000 = thisClass.getGenericSuperclass(); // if(!(var10000 instanceof ParameterizedType)) { // var10000 = null; // } // ParameterizedType var5 = (ParameterizedType)var10000; // if(var5 != null) { // Type[] var6 = var5.getActualTypeArguments(); // if(var6 != null) { // var10000 = (Type)ArraysKt.firstOrNull((Object[])var6); // if(var10000 != null) { // Type var2 = var10000; // if(var2 == null) { // throw new TypeCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.Class
"); // } // // return (Class)var2; // } // } // } // } //以下的代码相当于上面的代码 while (true){ (thisClass.genericSuperclass as? ParameterizedType) ?.actualTypeArguments ?.firstOrNull() ?.let { return it as Class
}?.run{ thisClass=thisClass.superclass ?:throw IllegalAccessException() } } } } abstract class BasePresenter
>>:Ipresenter { //lateinit 延迟初始化 //@UnsafeVariance 告诉编译器 我很安全 不要管我 override lateinit var view:@UnsafeVariance V } class MainView:BaseView () class MainPresenter:BasePresenter () class Mvp{ init { MainView().presenter.let(::println) //相当于下面的代码 // BasePresenter var1 = (new MainView()).getPresenter(); // System.out.println(var1); MainView().presenter.let { println("shiming P="+it) } //相当于下面的代码 // var1 = (new MainView()).getPresenter(); // MainPresenter it = (MainPresenter)var1; // String var3 = "shiming P=" + it; // System.out.println(var3); // (new MainPresenter()).getView(); } } 输出的结果是:
shiming P=com.kotlin.demo.star_demo.MainPresenter@fc35795