习题1-5 打折 (discount)
#include#include using namespace std; int main(void){ double s; cin>>s; if(s*95>=300){ cout<
Floating point output can be changed with << setiosflags( ios::fixed ) : never use scientific notation //绝对不使用科学记数法。 << setiosflags( ios::scientific ) : always use scientific notation //使用科学记数法。 << resetiosflags( ios::floatfield ) : restores default (use fixed or scientific notation based on the precision)//重置为缺省。 << (re)setiosflags( ios::showpoint ) : controls if the trailing zeros and decimal point will be output (default is no) //控制小数点后面的零是否显示。 << setprecision( digits ) : if fixed or scientific format is selected, controls the number of digits after the decimal place, otherwise controls the total number of significant digits// 如果fixed或者scientific已经确定了,则控制小数点后面的位数;否则,控制所有位数。
#include#include using namespace std; int main(void){ double S = 0.000000123; double A = 456.7; double B = 8910000000000.0; cout << "default precision is " << cout.precision() << endl; // 6 cout << " S = " << S << endl; // 1.23e-07 cout << " A = " << A << endl; // 456.7 cout << " B = " << B << endl; // 8.91e+12 cout << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << "ios::showpoint ON" << endl; cout << " S = " << S << endl; // 1.23000e-07 cout << " A = " << A << endl; // 456.700 cout << " B = " << B << endl; // 8.91000e+12 cout << resetiosflags(ios::showpoint) << "ios::showpoint OFF" << endl; cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << "ios::fixed ON" << endl; cout << " S = " << S << endl; // 0.000000 cout << " A = " << A << endl; // 456.700000 cout << " B = " << B << endl; // 8910000000000.000000 cout << resetiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << "ios::scientific ON" << endl; cout << " S = " << S << endl; // 1.230000e-07 cout << " A = " << A << endl; // 4.567000e+02 cout << " B = " << B << endl; // 8.910000e+12 }
default precision is 6
S = 1.23e-007
A = 456.7
B = 8.91e+012
ios::showpoint ON
S = 1.23000e-007
A = 456.700
B = 8.91000e+012
ios::showpoint OFF
ios::fixed ON
S = 0.000000
A = 456.700000
B = 8910000000000.000000
ios::scientific ON
S = 1.230000e-007
A = 4.567000e+002
B = 8.910000e+012
Process exited after 0.02482 seconds with return value 0
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