type GeneticAlgorithmSettings struct { PopulationSize int MutationRate int CrossoverRate int NumGenerations int KeepBestAcrossPopulation bool } type GeneticAlgorithmRunner interface { GenerateInitialPopulation(populationSize int) []interface{} PerformCrossover(individual1, individual2 interface{}, mutationRate int) interface{} PerformMutation(individual interface{}) interface{} Sort([]interface{}) }
type QuadraticGA struct {} func (l QuadraticGA) GenerateInitialPopulation(populationSize int) []interface{}{ initialPopulation := make([]interface{}, 0, populationSize) for i:= 0; i < populationSize; i++ { initialPopulation = append(initialPopulation, makeNewEntry()) } return initialPopulation } func (l QuadraticGA) PerformCrossover(result1, result2 interface{}, _ int) interface{}{ return (result1.(float64) + result2.(float64)) / 2 } func (l QuadraticGA) PerformMutation(_ interface{}, _ int) interface{}{ return makeNewEntry() } func (l QuadraticGA) Sort(population []interface{}){ sort.Slice(population, func(i, j int) bool { return calculate(population[i].(float64)) > calculate(population[j].(float64)) }) }
更奇怪的是,我从来没有提到过这些方法的接口。请记住,因为没有对象,也没有继承。QuadraticGA结构体是一个空白对象,隐式地作为GeneticAlgorithmRunner。每个必需的方法都在括号中绑定到该结构体,就像Java中的“@ override”。现在,结构体和设置需要传递给运行该算法的模块。
settings := ga.GeneticAlgorithmSettings{ PopulationSize: 5, MutationRate: 10, CrossoverRate: 100, NumGenerations: 20, KeepBestAcrossPopulation: true, } best, err := ga.Run(QuadraticGA{}, settings) if err != nil { println(err) }else{ fmt.Printf("Best: x: %f y: %f\n", best, calculate(best.(float64))) }
很简单,对吧?“QuadraticGA {}”只是简单地创建了该结构的一个新实例,其余的则由Run()方法完成。该方法返回搜索结果和发生的任何错误,因为Go不相信try / catch——另一场战争作者采取了严格的设计立场。
func makeNewEntry() float64 { return highRange * rand.Float64() } func calculate(x float64) float64 { return math.Pow(x, 2) - 6*x + 2 // minimum should be at x=3 }
func Run(geneticAlgoRunner GeneticAlgorithmRunner, settings GeneticAlgorithmSettings) (interface{}, error){ population := geneticAlgoRunner.GenerateInitialPopulation(settings.PopulationSize) geneticAlgoRunner.Sort(population) bestSoFar := population[len(population) - 1] for i:= 0; i < settings.NumGenerations; i++ { newPopulation := make([]interface{}, 0, settings.PopulationSize) if settings.KeepBestAcrossPopulation { newPopulation = append(newPopulation, bestSoFar) } // perform crossovers with random selection probabilisticListOfPerformers := createStochasticProbableListOfIndividuals(population) newPopIndex := 0 if settings.KeepBestAcrossPopulation{ newPopIndex = 1 } for ; newPopIndex < settings.PopulationSize; newPopIndex++ { indexSelection1 := rand.Int() % len(probabilisticListOfPerformers) indexSelection2 := rand.Int() % len(probabilisticListOfPerformers) // crossover newIndividual := geneticAlgoRunner.PerformCrossover( probabilisticListOfPerformers[indexSelection1], probabilisticListOfPerformers[indexSelection2], settings.CrossoverRate) // mutate if rand.Intn(101) < settings.MutationRate { newIndividual = geneticAlgoRunner.PerformMutation(newIndividual) } newPopulation = append(newPopulation, newIndividual) } population = newPopulation // sort by performance geneticAlgoRunner.Sort(population) // keep the best so far bestSoFar = population[len(population) - 1] } return bestSoFar, nil } func createStochasticProbableListOfIndividuals(population []interface{}) []interface{} { totalCount, populationLength:= 0, len(population) for j:= 0; j < populationLength; j++ { totalCount += j } probableIndividuals := make([]interface{}, 0, totalCount) for index, individual := range population { for i:= 0; i < index; i++{ probableIndividuals = append(probableIndividuals, individual) } } return probableIndividuals }
Best: x: 3.072833 y: -6.994695
不坏!由于人口规模只有5、20代,而且输入的范围被限制在[0 100],这一搜索就钉在了顶点上。
type Quad3D struct { x, y float64 } func makeNewQuadEntry(newX, newY float64) Quad3D { return Quad3D{ x: newX, y: newY, } } func calculate3D(entry Quad3D) float64 { return math.Pow(entry.x, 2)- 6 * entry.x + math.Pow(entry.y, 2)- 6 * entry.y + 2 } type Quadratic3dGA struct { } func (l Quadratic3dGA) GenerateInitialPopulation(populationSize int)[]interface{}{ initialPopulation := make([]interface{}, 0, populationSize) for i:= 0; i < populationSize; i++ { initialPopulation = append(initialPopulation, makeNewQuadEntry(makeNewEntry(), makeNewEntry())) } return initialPopulation } func (l Quadratic3dGA) PerformCrossover(result1, result2 interface{}, mutationRate int) interface{}{ r1Entry, r2Entry := result1.(Quad3D), result2.(Quad3D) return makeNewQuadEntry((r1Entry.x + r2Entry.x) / 2, (r1Entry.y + r2Entry.y) / 2,) } func (l Quadratic3dGA) PerformMutation(_ interface{}) interface{}{ return makeNewQuadEntry(makeNewEntry(), makeNewEntry()) } func (l Quadratic3dGA) Sort(population []interface{}){ sort.Slice(population, func(i, j int) bool { return calculate3D(population[i].(Quad3D)) > calculate3D(population[j].(Quad3D)) }) } func quadratic3dMain(){ settings := ga.GeneticAlgorithmSettings{ PopulationSize: 25, MutationRate: 10, CrossoverRate: 100, NumGenerations: 20, KeepBestAcrossPopulation: true, } best, err := ga.Run(Quadratic3dGA{}, settings) entry := best.(Quad3D) if err != nil { println(err) }else{ fmt.Printf("Best: x: %f y: %f z: %f\n", entry.x, entry.y, calculate3D(entry)) } }
而不是到处都是float64s,任何地方都可以通过Quad3D的条目;每一个都有一个X和一个Y值。对于创建的每个条目,都使用contructor makeNewQuadEntry创建。Run()方法中的代码都没有更改。
Best: x: 3.891671 y: 4.554884 z: -12.787259
func main() { beforeQuadTime := time.Now() quadraticMain() afterQuadTime := time.Since(beforeQuadTime) fmt.Printf("%d\n", afterQuadTime) before3dQuadTime := time.Now() quadratic3dMain() after3dQuatTime := time.Since(before3dQuadTime) fmt.Printf("%d\n", after3dQuatTime) }
边注:我能说我很高兴我们是一个开发者社区,让他们从过去的错误中走出来,并把综合的时间模块和包构建成一种语言吗?Java 8 +拥有它们,Python拥有它们,并拥有它们。这使我开心。
Best: x: 3.072833 y: -6.994695 136,876 Best: x: 3.891671 y: 4.554884 z: -12.787259 4,142,778
Best: 121.409960:, $58100 QB: Aaron Rodgers - 23.777778 RB: Latavius Murray - 15.228571 RB: DeMarco Murray - 19.980000 WR: Kelvin Benjamin - 11.800000 WR: Stefon Diggs - 14.312500 WR: Alshon Jeffery - 9.888889 TE: Connor Hamlett - 8.200000 D: Philadelphia Eagles - 10.777778 K: Phil Dawson - 7.444444 16,010,182