matplotlib是基于numpy的一套Python工具包。这个包提供了丰富的数据绘图工具,主要用于绘制一些统计图形。你可以找到很多各式各样的 例子:
通过数据绘图,我们可以将枯燥的数字转换成容易被人们接受的图表,从而让人留下更加深刻的印象。实际上,早在一百多年前, 南丁格尔就曾经用统计图形来说服英国政府,以改善军队的卫生状况。
USA 15094025 China 11299967 India 4457784 Japan 4440376 Germany 3099080 Russia 2383402 Brazil 2293954 UK 2260803 France 2217900 Italy 1846950
我们先来绘制饼图 (pie plot)。饼图适用于表达各个国家GDP所占的百分比。每一小块的面积代表了占比的多少:
# Make a pie chart# This script is written by Vamei, http://www.cnblogs.com/vamei# you may freely use it.import matplotlib.pyplot as plt# quants: GDP# labels: country namelabels = [] quants = []# Read datafor line in file('../data/major_country_gdp'): info = line.split() labels.append(info[0]) quants.append(float(info[1]))# make a square figureplt.figure(1, figsize=(6,6))# For China, make the piece explode a bitdef explode(label, target='China'): if label == target: return 0.1 else: return 0 expl = map(explode,labels)# Colors used. Recycle if not enough.colors = ["pink","coral","yellow","orange"]# Pie Plot# autopct: format of "percent" string;plt.pie(quants, explode=expl, colors=colors, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%',pctdistance=0.8, shadow=True) plt.title('Top 10 GDP Countries', bbox={'facecolor':'0.8', 'pad':5}) plt.show()
下面我们尝试一下条形图(bar plot)。用每个长条的高度代表每个国家的GDP,长条越高,GDP值越高:
"""Make a pie chart This script is written by Vamei, http://www.cnblogs.com/vamei you may freely use it."""import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as np# quants: GDP# labels: country namelabels = [] quants = []# Read datafor line in file('../data/major_country_gdp'): info = line.split() labels.append(info[0]) quants.append(float(info[1])) width = 0.4ind = np.linspace(0.5,9.5,10)# make a square figurefig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(12,6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111)# Bar Plotax.bar(ind-width/2,quants,width,color='coral')# Set the ticks on x-axisax.set_xticks(ind) ax.set_xticklabels(labels)# labelsax.set_xlabel('Country') ax.set_ylabel('GDP (Billion US dollar)')# titleax.set_title('Top 10 GDP Countries', bbox={'facecolor':'0.8', 'pad':5}) plt.show()
该代码中我们利用了ax对象,以便控制刻度以及刻度所对应的国家名。这与我们在pie plot所做的有些不同(pie plot也可以这样实现,只是没有必要而已)。