Contiguous Array
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Example 1:
Input: nums = [0,1]
Output: 2
Explanation: [0, 1] is the longest contiguous subarray with an equal number of 0 and 1.
Example 2:
Input: nums = [0,1,0]
Output: 2
Explanation: [0, 1] (or [1, 0]) is a longest contiguous subarray with equal number of 0 and 1.
1<= nums.length<= 10e5
nums[i] is either 0 or 1.
初试代码// 我的代码
class Solution {
int findMaxLength(vector& nums) {
// 遍历从下标i到下标j的子串中符合条件的最长的子串,返回其长度
// 即count0[i to j] == count1[i to j]
// =>count0[0 to j] - count0[0 to i] == count1[0 to j] - count1[0 to i]
// =>count0[0 to j] - count1[0 to j] == count0[0 to i] - count1[0 to i]
// =>diffcount[j] == diffcount[i]
// 遍历找到符合条件的大的 i to j的长度
int MaxLen = 0; //大子串长度
int MaxJ = 0; //大的j的值
// diffcount数组存放nums中从下标0到每个下标的“0的个数与1的个数差”,其长度为nums.size()+1,原因见初始化
vectordiffcount(nums.size()+1); // -1 0 1 2 ... nums.size()-1
diffcount[dindex(-1)] = 0; //下标0之前的下标“-1”对应的元素置零0
// 初始化diffcount数组, 如果nums[i]==0,则将diffcount[dindex(i)]的值置为前一个元素+1
// 如果nums[i]==1,则将diffcount[dindex(i)]的值置为前一个元素-1
for(int i=0; imaxj(nums.size()*2+1); // -nums.size ... 0 ... nums.size()
for(int i=-nums.size(); iMaxLen) //if(MaxJ-i+1 >MaxLen) //会使得Maxlen = 1而这明显是错的
MaxLen = MaxJ-i+1;
return MaxLen;
int dindex(int i){
return i+1;
int mindex(int i, int size){
return i+size;
// 别人的代码1
class Solution {
int findMaxLength(vector& nums) {
vectorarr(2*nums.size() + 1, INT_MIN);
arr[nums.size()] = -1;
int maxLen = 0, sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i< nums.size(); i++) {
sum += (nums[i] == 0 ? -1 : 1);
if (arr[sum + nums.size()] >= -1) maxLen = max(maxLen, i - arr[sum + nums.size()]);
else arr[sum + nums.size()] = i;
return maxLen;
class Solution {
int findMaxLength(vector& nums) {
int sum=0, maxLen=0;
unordered_mapseen{{0, -1}};
for(int i=0; i