Flappy Bird是前段时间(好像一年or两年前....)特别火的有一个小游戏,相信大家都玩过。
Flappy Bird操作简单,通过点击手机屏幕使Bird上升,穿过柱状障碍物之后得分,碰到则游戏结束。由于障碍物高低不等,控制Bird上升和下降需要反应快并且灵活,要得到较高的分数并不容易。作为一个游戏渣,我最高纪录是8分......
# -*- coding: utf8 -*- from itertools import cycle import random import sys import pygame #将pygame库导入到python程序中 from pygame.locals import * #需要引入pygame中的所有常量。 FPS = 30 SCREENWIDTH = 288 #屏幕宽度 SCREENHEIGHT = 512 #屏幕高度 # amount by which base can maximum shift to left PIPEGAPSIZE = 100 # gap between upper and lower part of pipe 管道上下之间的间隙 BASEY = SCREENHEIGHT * 0.79 #base那个条条所在的高度 注意以左上角为坐标起始点 所以这个高度是往下为正 # image, sound and hitmask dicts IMAGES, SOUNDS, HITMASKS = {}, {}, {} #图像,声音,撞击的文件 # list of all possible players (tuple of 3 positions of flap) #三种小鸟造型 PLAYERS_LIST = ( # red bird ( 'assets/sprites/redbird-upflap.png', 'assets/sprites/redbird-midflap.png', 'assets/sprites/redbird-downflap.png', ), # blue bird ( # amount by which base can maximum shift to left 'assets/sprites/bluebird-upflap.png', 'assets/sprites/bluebird-midflap.png', 'assets/sprites/bluebird-downflap.png', ), # yellow bird ( 'assets/sprites/yellowbird-upflap.png', 'assets/sprites/yellowbird-midflap.png', 'assets/sprites/yellowbird-downflap.png', ), ) # list of backgrounds 两种背景,一种白天,一种黑夜 BACKGROUNDS_LIST = ( 'assets/sprites/background-day.png', 'assets/sprites/background-night.png', ) # list of pipes 管道的两种颜色,一种绿色,一种红色 PIPES_LIST = ( 'assets/sprites/pipe-green.png', 'assets/sprites/pipe-red.png', ) try: xrange except NameError: xrange = range def main(): global SCREEN, FPSCLOCK pygame.init() #经过初始化以后我们就可以尽情地使用pygame了。 #使用Pygame时钟之前,必须先创建Clock对象的一个实例, FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock()#控制每个循环多长时间运行一次。这就像一个定时器在控制时间进程,指出“现在开始下一个循环”!现在开始下一个循环!…… SCREEN = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT))#通常来说我们需要先创建一个窗口,方便我们与程序的交互。 pygame.display.set_caption('Flappy Bird')#设置窗口标题 # numbers sprites for score display #加载并转换图像 #在pygame中可以使用pygame.image.load()函数来加载位图 (支持jpg,png,gif,bmp,pcx,tif,tga等多种图片格式)。 #convert_alpha()方法会使用透明的方法绘制前景对象。 # 因此在加载一个有alpha通道的素材时(比如PNG TGA),需要使用convert_alpha()方法,当然普通的图片也是可以使用这个方法的,用了也不会有什么副作用。 IMAGES['numbers'] = ( pygame.image.load('assets/sprites/0.png').convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load('assets/sprites/1.png').convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load('assets/sprites/2.png').convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load('assets/sprites/3.png').convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load('assets/sprites/4.png').convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load('assets/sprites/5.png').convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load('assets/sprites/6.png').convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load('assets/sprites/7.png').convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load('assets/sprites/8.png').convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load('assets/sprites/9.png').convert_alpha() ) # game over sprite 游戏结束显示的图像 IMAGES['gameover'] = pygame.image.load('assets/sprites/gameover.png').convert_alpha() # message sprite for welcome screen 欢迎界面显示的图像 IMAGES['message'] = pygame.image.load('assets/sprites/message.png').convert_alpha() # base (ground) sprite 始终显示的base图像 IMAGES['base'] = pygame.image.load('assets/sprites/base.png').convert_alpha() # sounds # WAV版 OGG版是指游戏的音频格式 # WAV版是属于游戏原版 # OGG是大大们通过转换器把音频格式的WAV改成OGG,这样游戏的配置提高要求使游戏本身的体积而缩小节省了空间。 #可以看一下同一个音频 ogg版的是比wav版的文件小很多 if 'win' in sys.platform: #判断当前系统平台 来设置声音文件后缀 soundExt = '.wav' else: soundExt = '.ogg' # 音效:pygame.mixer # sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('/home/liumin/love.wav')使用指定文件名载入一个音频文件,并创建一个Sound对象。 音频文件可以是wav,ogg等格式。 # 音频文件的内容会被全部载入到内存中。 SOUNDS['die'] = pygame.mixer.Sound('assets/audio/die' + soundExt) SOUNDS['hit'] = pygame.mixer.Sound('assets/audio/hit' + soundExt) SOUNDS['point'] = pygame.mixer.Sound('assets/audio/point' + soundExt) SOUNDS['swoosh'] = pygame.mixer.Sound('assets/audio/swoosh' + soundExt) SOUNDS['wing'] = pygame.mixer.Sound('assets/audio/wing' + soundExt) while True: # select random background sprites 加载随机背景 (白天或者黑夜) randBg = random.randint(0, len(BACKGROUNDS_LIST) - 1)#随机选择0或者1 IMAGES['background'] = pygame.image.load(BACKGROUNDS_LIST[randBg]).convert()#加载随机背景 # select random player sprites 加载随机角色 (红色、蓝色、黄色小鸟) randPlayer = random.randint(0, len(PLAYERS_LIST) - 1) IMAGES['player'] = ( pygame.image.load(PLAYERS_LIST[randPlayer][0]).convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load(PLAYERS_LIST[randPlayer][1]).convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load(PLAYERS_LIST[randPlayer][2]).convert_alpha(), ) # select random pipe sprites 加载随机管道样式 pipeindex = random.randint(0, len(PIPES_LIST) - 1) IMAGES['pipe'] = ( pygame.transform.rotate( pygame.image.load(PIPES_LIST[pipeindex]).convert_alpha(), 180),#旋转180度 pygame.image.load(PIPES_LIST[pipeindex]).convert_alpha(), )#一个上面的管道 一个下面的管道 # hismask for pipes #得到管道的边界mask HITMASKS['pipe'] = ( getHitmask(IMAGES['pipe'][0]), getHitmask(IMAGES['pipe'][1]), ) # hitmask for player #得到player的边界mask HITMASKS['player'] = ( getHitmask(IMAGES['player'][0]), getHitmask(IMAGES['player'][1]), getHitmask(IMAGES['player'][2]), ) movementInfo = showWelcomeAnimation()#返回'playery'(player所在位置),'basex'(base图像所在位置) 'playerIndexGen'(飞行姿势index) crashInfo = mainGame(movementInfo) showGameOverScreen(crashInfo) def showWelcomeAnimation(): """Shows welcome screen animation of flappy bird""" # index of player to blit on screen playerIndex = 0 playerIndexGen = cycle([0, 1, 2, 1]) # iterator used to change playerIndex after every 5th iteration loopIter = 0 #player所在位置 playerx = int(SCREENWIDTH * 0.2) playery = int((SCREENHEIGHT - IMAGES['player'][0].get_height()) / 2) #欢迎图像所在位置 messagex = int((SCREENWIDTH - IMAGES['message'].get_width()) / 2) messagey = int(SCREENHEIGHT * 0.12) basex = 0 # amount by which base can maximum shift to left 可以大限度地向左移动的距离 baseShift = IMAGES['base'].get_width() - IMAGES['background'].get_width() # player shm for up-down motion on welcome screen 角色在欢迎屏幕上进行上下移动 playerShmVals = {'val': 0, 'dir': 1} while True: for event in pygame.event.get():#使用pygame.event.get()来处理所有的事件, if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE):#如果 quit 或者 按键之后又按下esc,就结束游戏 pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.key == K_SPACE or event.key == K_UP):#如果按键之后点击或者按下↑ # make first flap sound and return values for mainGame SOUNDS['wing'].play()#播放飞的特效声音 return {#返回初始位置 进入maingame 'playery': playery + playerShmVals['val'], 'basex': basex, 'playerIndexGen': playerIndexGen, } # adjust playery, playerIndex, basex if (loopIter + 1) % 5 == 0: playerIndex = next(playerIndexGen)#获得匹配元素集合中每个元素紧邻的同胞元素 调整飞行姿势图片 loopIter = (loopIter + 1) % 30 basex = -((-basex + 4) % baseShift) playerShm(playerShmVals) # draw sprites #screen.blit(space, (0,0))可以绘制位图 第一个参数是加载完成的位图,第二个参数是绘制的起始坐标。 SCREEN.blit(IMAGES['background'], (0,0)) SCREEN.blit(IMAGES['player'][playerIndex], (playerx, playery + playerShmVals['val'])) SCREEN.blit(IMAGES['message'], (messagex, messagey)) SCREEN.blit(IMAGES['base'], (basex, BASEY)) pygame.display.update()#更新整个窗口 FPSCLOCK.tick(FPS)#循环应该多长时间运行一次 def mainGame(movementInfo): score = playerIndex = loopIter = 0#初始得分以及初始player的姿态以及迭代次数都为0 playerIndexGen = movementInfo['playerIndexGen']#得到飞行姿势 playerx, playery = int(SCREENWIDTH * 0.2), movementInfo['playery']#player所在位置 basex = movementInfo['basex']#base图像所在位置 baseShift = IMAGES['base'].get_width() - IMAGES['background'].get_width() # get 2 new pipes to add to upperPipes lowerPipes list newPipe1 = getRandomPipe() newPipe2 = getRandomPipe() # list of upper pipes upperPipes = [ {'x': SCREENWIDTH + 200, 'y': newPipe1[0]['y']}, {'x': SCREENWIDTH + 200 + (SCREENWIDTH / 2), 'y': newPipe2[0]['y']}, ] # list of lowerpipe lowerPipes = [ {'x': SCREENWIDTH + 200, 'y': newPipe1[1]['y']}, {'x': SCREENWIDTH + 200 + (SCREENWIDTH / 2), 'y': newPipe2[1]['y']}, ] pipeVelX = -4 # player velocity, max velocity, downward accleration, accleration on flap 角色速度,大速度,向下加速度,襟翼加速度 playerVelY = -9 # player's velocity along Y, default same as playerFlapped playerMaxVelY = 10 # max vel along Y, max descend speed playerMinVelY = -8 # min vel along Y, max ascend speed playerAccY = 1 # players downward accleration playerRot = 45 # player's rotation playerVelRot = 3 # angular speed playerRotThr = 20 # rotation threshold playerFlapAcc = -9 # players speed on flapping playerFlapped = False # True when player flaps while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE): pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.key == K_SPACE or event.key == K_UP): if playery > -2 * IMAGES['player'][0].get_height():#如果点击 playerVelY = playerFlapAcc#上升 playerFlapped = True SOUNDS['wing'].play()#并播放飞行音效 # check for crash here crashTest = checkCrash({'x': playerx, 'y': playery, 'index': playerIndex}, upperPipes, lowerPipes) if crashTest[0]:#如果掉在地上或者撞击到了管道,就返回结束游戏 return { 'y': playery, 'groundCrash': crashTest[1], 'basex': basex, 'upperPipes': upperPipes, 'lowerPipes': lowerPipes, 'score': score, 'playerVelY': playerVelY, 'playerRot': playerRot } # check for score playerMidPos = playerx + IMAGES['player'][0].get_width() / 2 for pipe in upperPipes: pipeMidPos = pipe['x'] + IMAGES['pipe'][0].get_width() / 2 if pipeMidPos <= playerMidPos < pipeMidPos + 4:#当角色达到管道缝隙的中间+4时,score+1,并且在此时播放得分音效 score += 1 SOUNDS['point'].play() # playerIndex basex change if (loopIter + 1) % 3 == 0: playerIndex = next(playerIndexGen) loopIter = (loopIter + 1) % 30 basex = -((-basex + 100) % baseShift) # rotate the player if playerRot > -90: playerRot -= playerVelRot # player's movement if playerVelY < playerMaxVelY and not playerFlapped: playerVelY += playerAccY if playerFlapped: playerFlapped = False # more rotation to cover the threshold (calculated in visible rotation) playerRot = 45 playerHeight = IMAGES['player'][playerIndex].get_height() playery += min(playerVelY, BASEY - playery - playerHeight) # move pipes to left for uPipe, lPipe in zip(upperPipes, lowerPipes): uPipe['x'] += pipeVelX #管道移动 lPipe['x'] += pipeVelX # add new pipe when first pipe is about to touch left of screen if 0 < upperPipes[0]['x'] < 5:#当第一个管道移动到屏幕左侧边缘时,生成下一个管道 newPipe = getRandomPipe() upperPipes.append(newPipe[0]) lowerPipes.append(newPipe[1]) # remove first pipe if its out of the screen if upperPipes[0]['x'] < -IMAGES['pipe'][0].get_width(): #当管道移动到屏幕外侧后,删除它 upperPipes.pop(0) lowerPipes.pop(0) # draw sprites SCREEN.blit(IMAGES['background'], (0,0)) for uPipe, lPipe in zip(upperPipes, lowerPipes): SCREEN.blit(IMAGES['pipe'][0], (uPipe['x'], uPipe['y'])) SCREEN.blit(IMAGES['pipe'][1], (lPipe['x'], lPipe['y'])) SCREEN.blit(IMAGES['base'], (basex, BASEY)) # print score so player overlaps the score showScore(score) #显示得分 # Player rotation has a threshold visibleRot = playerRotThr if playerRot <= playerRotThr: visibleRot = playerRot playerSurface = pygame.transform.rotate(IMAGES['player'][playerIndex], visibleRot)#旋转角色 SCREEN.blit(playerSurface, (playerx, playery))#显示旋转后的角色 pygame.display.update()#更新窗口 FPSCLOCK.tick(FPS)#循环应该多长时间运行一次 def showGameOverScreen(crashInfo): """crashes the player down ans shows gameover image""" score = crashInfo['score']#获取得分 playerx = SCREENWIDTH * 0.2 playery = crashInfo['y'] playerHeight = IMAGES['player'][0].get_height() playerVelY = crashInfo['playerVelY'] playerAccY = 2 playerRot = crashInfo['playerRot'] playerVelRot = 7 basex = crashInfo['basex'] upperPipes, lowerPipes = crashInfo['upperPipes'], crashInfo['lowerPipes'] # play hit and die sounds SOUNDS['hit'].play() if not crashInfo['groundCrash']:#如果没有撞击到地面,就播放die音效就可以了 SOUNDS['die'].play() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE): pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.key == K_SPACE or event.key == K_UP): if playery + playerHeight >= BASEY - 1: return # player y shift if playery + playerHeight < BASEY - 1: playery += min(playerVelY, BASEY - playery - playerHeight) # player velocity change if playerVelY < 15: playerVelY += playerAccY # rotate only when it's a pipe crash if not crashInfo['groundCrash']: if playerRot > -90: playerRot -= playerVelRot # draw sprites SCREEN.blit(IMAGES['background'], (0,0)) for uPipe, lPipe in zip(upperPipes, lowerPipes): SCREEN.blit(IMAGES['pipe'][0], (uPipe['x'], uPipe['y'])) SCREEN.blit(IMAGES['pipe'][1], (lPipe['x'], lPipe['y'])) SCREEN.blit(IMAGES['base'], (basex, BASEY)) showScore(score) playerSurface = pygame.transform.rotate(IMAGES['player'][1], playerRot) SCREEN.blit(playerSurface, (playerx,playery)) FPSCLOCK.tick(FPS) pygame.display.update() def playerShm(playerShm): """oscillates the value of playerShm['val'] between 8 and -8""" if abs(playerShm['val']) == 8: playerShm['dir'] *= -1 if playerShm['dir'] == 1: playerShm['val'] += 1 else: playerShm['val'] -= 1 def getRandomPipe():#随机生成随机高度的管道 ????????还需要看细节 """returns a randomly generated pipe""" # y of gap between upper and lower pipe gapY = random.randrange(0, int(BASEY * 0.6 - PIPEGAPSIZE)) gapY += int(BASEY * 0.2) pipeHeight = IMAGES['pipe'][0].get_height() pipeX = SCREENWIDTH + 10 return [ {'x': pipeX, 'y': gapY - pipeHeight}, # upper pipe {'x': pipeX, 'y': gapY + PIPEGAPSIZE}, # lower pipe ] def showScore(score): """displays score in center of screen""" scoreDigits = [int(x) for x in list(str(score))] totalWidth = 0 # total width of all numbers to be printed for digit in scoreDigits: totalWidth += IMAGES['numbers'][digit].get_width() Xoffset = (SCREENWIDTH - totalWidth) / 2 for digit in scoreDigits: SCREEN.blit(IMAGES['numbers'][digit], (Xoffset, SCREENHEIGHT * 0.1))#显示得分 Xoffset += IMAGES['numbers'][digit].get_width() def checkCrash(player, upperPipes, lowerPipes): """returns True if player collders with base or pipes.""" pi = player['index']#飞行姿势 player['w'] = IMAGES['player'][0].get_width() player['h'] = IMAGES['player'][0].get_height() # if player crashes into ground 掉在地上 if player['y'] + player['h'] >= BASEY - 1: return [True, True] #返回 else: playerRect = pygame.Rect(player['x'], player['y'], player['w'], player['h']) pipeW = IMAGES['pipe'][0].get_width() pipeH = IMAGES['pipe'][0].get_height() for uPipe, lPipe in zip(upperPipes, lowerPipes): # upper and lower pipe rects uPipeRect = pygame.Rect(uPipe['x'], uPipe['y'], pipeW, pipeH) lPipeRect = pygame.Rect(lPipe['x'], lPipe['y'], pipeW, pipeH) # player and upper/lower pipe hitmasks pHitMask = HITMASKS['player'][pi] uHitmask = HITMASKS['pipe'][0] lHitmask = HITMASKS['pipe'][1] # if bird collided with upipe or lpipe uCollide = pixelCollision(playerRect, uPipeRect, pHitMask, uHitmask) lCollide = pixelCollision(playerRect, lPipeRect, pHitMask, lHitmask) if uCollide or lCollide:#如果撞击到了上管道或者下管道 返回 return [True, False] return [False, False] def pixelCollision(rect1, rect2, hitmask1, hitmask2): """Checks if two objects collide and not just their rects""" rect = rect1.clip(rect2)#角色和管道之间重合的情况 if rect.width == 0 or rect.height == 0:#没重合就是没撞击到 return False x1, y1 = rect.x - rect1.x, rect.y - rect1.y x2, y2 = rect.x - rect2.x, rect.y - rect2.y for x in xrange(rect.width): for y in xrange(rect.height): if hitmask1[x1+x][y1+y] and hitmask2[x2+x][y2+y]:#撞击到了 return True return False def getHitmask(image): """returns a hitmask using an image's alpha.""" #得到撞击mask mask = [] for x in xrange(image.get_width()): mask.append([]) for y in xrange(image.get_height()): mask[x].append(bool(image.get_at((x,y))[3])) return mask if __name__ == '__main__': main()