目的:研究如何使用 iscsi 存储。 一、认识 据zstack的童鞋们介绍:OCFS2是主流对接 SAN 云存储的方式 存储的选择,通常有以下方式: 1、NAS 1)NFS 简单;自建有可靠性问题,商业的 NFS 产品更靠谱; 2)分布式文件系统,以 GlusterFS 为例; 易懂;建议使用 glusterfs 的接口来访问,但也支持通过 nfs 来访问; 2、IP SAN(iscsi) 1)使用iscsiadm 发现一下 target 即可 2)研究 ovirt 是如何使用 iscsi 存储的 看到一个讨论ovirt通过lvm来使用iscsi的方式 http://users.ovirt.narkive.com/XzD01akX/ovirt-users-shared-storage-with-iscsi 按照字面意思,我的理解(未实验)是: a、每个 host 挂载 iscsi 存储 b、通过 lvm 划分出 vm disk c、在运行了 vm 的 host 上 通过 lvchange 来激活指定的 vm disk lvchange -ay vol_group/logical_vol 3)通过集群文件系统(cluster filesystem: OCFS2,GFS,etc. )来控制读写 iscsi 存储 这就是本文的初衷,接下来展开记录 OCFS2 是如何使用的。 二、配置 1、准备安装 oracle uek 内核(因为新版本的 ocfs2 内核模块被 uek 整合了) [root@n149 ~]# wget http://public-yum.oracle.com/public-yum-ol6.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol6.repo [root@n149 ~]# rpm --import http://public-yum.oracle.com/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle-ol6 [root@n149 ~]# yum install yum-plugin-downloadonly -y [root@n149 ~]# mkdir /tmp/ocfs2 && cd /tmp/ocfs2/ [root@n149 ocfs2]# yum install --downloadonly --downloaddir=/tmp/ocfs2/ kernel-uek ocfs2-tools -y 2、安装 uek [root@n149 ocfs2]# yum localinstall kernel-uek* 使用新的内核,编辑 grub 调整启动顺序: [root@n149 ocfs2]# vim /etc/grub.conf 重启系统后查看: [root@n149 ocfs2]# uname -r 2.6.39-400.290.1.el6uek.x86_64 查看 ocfs2 模块是否加载: [root@n149 ocfs2]# modprobe ocfs2 [root@n149 ocfs2]# lsmod |grep oc ocfs2 1094439 0 ocfs2_nodemanager 223253 1 ocfs2 configfs 29308 2 ocfs2_nodemanager ocfs2_stackglue 11896 1 ocfs2 jbd2 93114 2 ocfs2,ext4 3、安装 ocfs2-tools [root@n149 ocfs2]# yum localinstall ocfs2-tools* -y 4、配置 ocfs2 服务 [root@n149 ~]# vim /etc/hosts n149.ocfs2.test n150.ocfs2.test [root@n149 ~]# service o2cb load checking debugfs... Mounting configfs filesystem at /sys/kernel/config: OK Loading stack plugin "o2cb": OK Loading filesystem "ocfs2_dlmfs": OK Creating directory '/dlm': OK Mounting ocfs2_dlmfs filesystem at /dlm: OK [root@n149 ~]# service o2cb online checking debugfs... Setting cluster stack "o2cb": OK Checking O2CB cluster configuration : Failed 符合预期,继续配置集群: [root@n149 ~]# o2cb_ctl -C -n prdcluster -t cluster -a name=prdcluster [root@n149 ~]# o2cb_ctl -C -n n149.ocfs2.test -t node -a number=0 -a ip_address= -a ip_port=11111 -a cluster=prdcluster [root@n149 ~]# o2cb_ctl -C -n n150.ocfs2.test -t node -a number=1 -a ip_address= -a ip_port=11111 -a cluster=prdcluster [root@n149 ~]# cat /etc/ocfs2/cluster.conf node: name = n149.ocfs2.test cluster = prdcluster number = 0 ip_address = ip_port = 11111 node: name = n150.ocfs2.test cluster = prdcluster number = 1 ip_address = ip_port = 11111 cluster: name = prdcluster heartbeat_mode = local node_count = 2 [root@n149 ~]# service o2cb configure [root@n149 ~]# service o2cb online 上述操作,在每个节点上执行。 其他可选操作: [root@n149 ~]# service o2cb status Driver for "configfs": Loaded Filesystem "configfs": Mounted Stack glue driver: Loaded Stack plugin "o2cb": Loaded Driver for "ocfs2_dlmfs": Loaded Filesystem "ocfs2_dlmfs": Mounted Checking O2CB cluster "prdcluster": Online Heartbeat dead threshold: 31 Network idle timeout: 30000 Network keepalive delay: 2000 Network reconnect delay: 2000 Heartbeat mode: Local Checking O2CB heartbeat: Not active Debug file system at /sys/kernel/debug: mounted 另外:确认防火墙放行了对应的端口,本例是 tcp port 11111 5、配置 iscsi 存储 [root@n149 ocfs2]# iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p [root@n149 ocfs2]# iscsiadm -m node -o delete -T iqn.1984-05.com.dell:powervault.md3800i.600a098000a64d8b0000000057a152ea -p [root@n149 ocfs2]# iscsiadm -m node -o delete -T iqn.1984-05.com.dell:powervault.md3800i.600a098000a64d8b0000000057a152ea -p [root@n149 ocfs2]# iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.1984-05.com.dell:powervault.md3800i.600a098000a64d8b0000000057a152ea --login [root@n149 ocfs2]# yum install device-mapper-multipath -y [root@n149 ocfs2]# modprobe dm-multipath [root@n149 ocfs2]# mpathconf [root@n149 ocfs2]# cat /etc/multipath.conf defaults { path_grouping_policy multibus path_checker readsector0 rr_min_io_rq 10 max_fds 8192 rr_weight priorities failback immediate no_path_retry fail user_friendly_names yes } multipaths { multipath { wwid 3600a098000a64d8b000002a4582305f8 alias test_block_a } } [root@n149 ocfs2]# service multipathd start [root@n149 ocfs2]# chkconfig multipathd on [root@n149 ocfs2]# multipath -ll test_block_a (3600a098000a64d8b000002a4582305f8) dm-0 DELL,MD38xxi size=100G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw `-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=1 status=active |- 4:0:0:0 sda 8:0 active ready running `- 5:0:0:0 sdb 8:16 active ready running 6、使用 iscsi 存储 挂载参数请参考:man mkfs.ocfs2 [root@n149 ~]# mkfs.ocfs2 -b 4K -C 64K -L testblocka -T datafiles -F /dev/mapper/test_block_a mkfs.ocfs2 1.8.6 Cluster stack: classic o2cb Overwriting existing ocfs2 partition. WARNING: Cluster check disabled. Proceed (y/N): y Filesystem Type of datafiles Label: testblocka Features: sparse extended-slotmap backup-super unwritten inline-data strict-journal-super xattr indexed-dirs refcount discontig-bg Block size: 4096 (12 bits) Cluster size: 65536 (16 bits) Volume size: 107374182400 (1638400 clusters) (26214400 blocks) Cluster groups: 51 (tail covers 25600 clusters, rest cover 32256 clusters) Extent allocator size: 41943040 (10 groups) Journal size: 33554432 Node slots: 8 Creating bitmaps: done Initializing superblock: done Writing system files: done Writing superblock: done Writing backup superblock: 4 block(s) Formatting Journals: done Growing extent allocator: done Formatting slot map: done Formatting quota files: done Writing lost+found: done mkfs.ocfs2 successful [root@n149 ~]# cat <<_EOF >>/etc/fstab /dev/mapper/test_block_a /mnt/tba ocfs2 defaults 0 0 _EOF [root@n149 ~]# mkdir /mnt/tba [root@n149 ~]# mount -a [root@n149 ~]# df -h /mnt/tba Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/test_block_a 100G 586M 100G 1% /mnt/tba 在另一个节点上执行: [root@n150 ~]# cat <<_EOF >>/etc/fstab /dev/mapper/test_block_a /mnt/tba ocfs2 defaults 0 0 _EOF [root@n150 ~]# mkdir /mnt/tba [root@n150 ~]# mount -a [root@n150 ~]# df -h /mnt/tba Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/test_block_a 100G 586M 100G 1% /mnt/tba 查看对应的日志: Nov 16 13:46:01 n149 kernel: o2hb: Heartbeat mode set to local Nov 16 13:46:01 n149 o2hbmonitor: Starting Nov 16 13:47:42 n149 kernel: OCFS2 1.8.0 Nov 16 13:47:43 n149 kernel: o2dlm: Joining domain 55663D9EA9B0466D80626459E2B6AE9B ( 1 ) 1 nodes Nov 16 13:47:43 n149 kernel: ocfs2: Mounting device (251,0) on (node 1, slot 0) with ordered data mode. Nov 16 13:48:16 n149 kernel: o2net: Connection to node n150.ocfs2.test (num 0) at shutdown, state 7 Nov 16 13:48:18 n149 kernel: o2net: Connected to node n150.ocfs2.test (num 0) at Nov 16 13:48:22 n149 kernel: o2dlm: Node 0 joins domain 55663D9EA9B0466D80626459E2B6AE9B ( 0 1 ) 2 nodes Nov 16 13:45:43 n150 kernel: o2hb: Heartbeat mode set to local Nov 16 13:45:43 n150 o2hbmonitor: Starting Nov 16 13:48:18 n150 kernel: o2net: Accepted connection from node n149.ocfs2.test (num 1) at Nov 16 13:48:22 n150 kernel: OCFS2 1.8.0 Nov 16 13:48:22 n150 kernel: o2dlm: Joining domain 55663D9EA9B0466D80626459E2B6AE9B ( 0 1 ) 2 nodes Nov 16 13:48:22 n150 kernel: ocfs2: Mounting device (251,0) on (node 0, slot 1) with ordered data mode. 2个节点的 heartbeat 的状态也都变成了 Active [root@n149 ~]# service o2cb status Driver for "configfs": Loaded Filesystem "configfs": Mounted Stack glue driver: Loaded Stack plugin "o2cb": Loaded Driver for "ocfs2_dlmfs": Loaded Filesystem "ocfs2_dlmfs": Mounted Checking O2CB cluster "prdcluster": Online Heartbeat dead threshold: 31 Network idle timeout: 30000 Network keepalive delay: 2000 Network reconnect delay: 2000 Heartbeat mode: Local Checking O2CB heartbeat: Active Debug file system at /sys/kernel/debug: mounted 7、测试文件读写 【2个节点同时写一个文件】 [root@n149 ~]# for i in `seq 1 9`;do echo "`hostname` -> [`date`]" >>/mnt/tba/1.log;sleep 1s;done [root@n150 ~]# for i in `seq 1 9`;do echo "`hostname` -> [`date`]" >>/mnt/tba/1.log;sleep 1s;done [root@n149 ~]# cat /mnt/tba/1.log n149.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:55:20 CST 2016] n150.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:55:21 CST 2016] n149.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:55:21 CST 2016] n150.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:55:22 CST 2016] n149.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:55:22 CST 2016] n150.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:55:23 CST 2016] n149.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:55:23 CST 2016] n150.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:55:24 CST 2016] n149.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:55:24 CST 2016] n150.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:55:25 CST 2016] n149.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:55:25 CST 2016] n150.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:55:26 CST 2016] n149.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:55:26 CST 2016] n150.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:55:27 CST 2016] n149.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:55:27 CST 2016] n150.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:55:28 CST 2016] n149.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:55:28 CST 2016] n150.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:55:29 CST 2016] 结论:符合预期。 【一个节点写,另一个节点读】 [root@n149 ~]# for i in `seq 1 9`;do echo "`hostname` -> [`date`]" >>/mnt/tba/1.log;sleep 1s;done [root@n150 ~]# tail -f /mnt/tba/1.log n149.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:57:42 CST 2016] n149.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:57:43 CST 2016] n149.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:57:44 CST 2016] n149.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:57:45 CST 2016] n149.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:57:46 CST 2016] n149.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:57:47 CST 2016] n149.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:57:48 CST 2016] n149.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:57:49 CST 2016] n149.ocfs2.test -> [Wed Nov 16 13:57:50 CST 2016] ^C 结论:符合预期。 三、问题解释 1、cluster 处于 Offline 的状态 [root@n150 ~]# mount -a mount.ocfs2: Internal logic failure while trying to join the group [root@n150 ~]# service o2cb status Checking O2CB cluster "prdcluster": Offline 则请检查各节点的域名是否能正常解析,ocfs2 要用到 hostname 来提供服务。有一种情况是: 上述节点的 hostname 为: n149.test.com n150.test.com 而配置 ocfs2 是在 hosts 中写死了: n149.ocfs2.test n150.ocfs2.test 而实际上,ocfs2 使用的却是 hostname,因而节点之间的连接异常。 2、heartbeat 处于 Not active 状态 挂载卷后 heartbeat 才会启动,因此,先操作后再观察。 ZYXW、参考 1、[ovirt-users] shared storage with iscsi http://users.ovirt.narkive.com/XzD01akX/ovirt-users-shared-storage-with-iscsi 2、Linux : Oracle unbreakable kernel and OCFS2 on CentOS/RHEL6 http://www.itechlounge.net/2014/08/linux-oracle-unbreakable-kernel-and-ocfs2-on-centosrhel6/ 3、Oracle Linux 6: Create an OCFS2 Cluster and Filesystem https://www.itfromallangles.com/2013/03/oracle-linux-6-create-an-ocfs2-cluster-and-filesystem/ 4、Installing And Configuring An OCFS2 Clustered File System http://www.shapeblue.com/installing-and-configuring-an-ocfs2-clustered-file-system/ 5、解决o2cb status时状态始终为offline(o2cb_ctl: Internal logic failure failed while adding RAC1) http://www.blogjava.net/KingKong/archive/2011/06/06/351826.html 6、O2CB heartbeat: Not active https://oss.oracle.com/pipermail/ocfs2-users/2009-April/003477.html另外有需要云服务器可以了解下创新互联cdcxhl.cn,海内外云服务器15元起步,三天无理由+7*72小时售后在线,公司持有idc许可证,提供“云服务器、裸金属服务器、高防服务器、香港服务器、美国服务器、虚拟主机、免备案服务器”等云主机租用服务以及企业上云的综合解决方案,具有“安全稳定、简单易用、服务可用性高、性价比高”等特点与优势,专为企业上云打造定制,能够满足用户丰富、多元化的应用场景需求。